Monday, February 13, 2023

Seduction Over 50

 Seduction is defined as the means of seducing, enticing or tempting.

It doesn't mention anything about age, size or race of someone. So any one can seduce if they have the confidence to do so, that is the actual key to seducing someone.

Me personally I was never considered the pretty girl and I am good with that because what I do have is the ability to get any man I wanted.

Until I became older this realization became clear. Like I said not the pretty girl nor the beautiful body every man wanted and as so many others my thoughts were never I got the men I wanted by conversation alone, but that was not the case it was purely Seduction. 

Think about when we say you can be pretty on the outside but not offer anything else, this statement is so true. Don't get me wrong not everyone who has this natural beauty I am talking about has no substance. But, the ones who truly seduce may not look the way you think they should. for instance have you ever saw a beautiful woman with a very plain man or even one you think is unattractive compared to her or him.

Seducing comes with a package outside of looks let's talk about them. For starters a sense of humor is the first one, believe it or not a lot of people love it when someone can make them laugh. 

Second, when you truly listen and observe learning what makes the other person who they are. 

Third, seduction is still 40% about sex and you have to be good in bed to put the nail on the coffin if you want to take it that far. so knowing you have to observe what makes this person climax to the third party, so we are usually givers in that department. What do I mean by giver well you learn what pleases them the most and make sure you perfect it.

Seduction is about power and what you truly want out of the person you are seducing. Your goal may be to make them your husband or wife, it may be to entice them to giving you money or things. Seducing doesn't make you a bad person unless you use it to deceive and manipulate and I do neither. 

I am just a woman who at 59 finally realize I have been seducing men and getting that man all my life. Society has you thinking your worth or looks is based on a certain body type or life style and it is not.

just my thoughts....

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